10 Easy Ways to be More Eco-Friendly that Everyone Should Already Be Doing by Now

A green plant is in a sunny window

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When it comes to helping reduce waste and live a more environmentally friendly lifestyle, here are some simple ways to quickly jump in and quite possibly you're already doing these. 

  1. Bring and Use Reusable Shopping Bags 

    This may seem like a given but one way to reduce the consumption of plastic is to not use plastic bags at the grocery store and when you go into retail stores. Paper bags are a better alternative but bringing your own cloth or organic cotton bags are even better. 

    I also like to have at least one reusable bag that can fold up to about the size of my palm to easily keep in my car or  purse in case I am ever out and need a reusable bag.

  2. Say No to Plastic Water Bottles and Straws

    Whenever possible say no to single use plastics. Many times a plastic water bottle isn’t needed. Be sure to bring your own water bottle with you or ask for a glass instead of a bottle.

    When it comes to plastic straws or any straw for that matter decide how much you need it. Many drinks don’t need a straw. But if you are someone who loves straws there are some great environmentally friendly alternatives to plastic out there.

  3. Enroll in E-Billing

    When it comes to being an adult one of the great joys in life are bills, just kidding. But there are a ton of bills we get. Paper copies of bills use a lot of resources. Not only is there a large amount of paper for the bill and envelopes, but there is also the resources to get that bill to your doorstep. Gas to bring the bill from the company to the post office and from the post office to get your bill into your hands. 

    These days electronic billing is not only easy but can save all of those resources. If you need a paper copy for a specific reason you can print them at home or at a local library. 

    Many companies even offer a discount for signing up for e-billing so you might even be able to save some money while helping save the planet.

  4. Bring a Coffee Mug to Coffee Shops

    If you are a coffee drinker or tea drinker, you have likely gone into a coffee shop and used their, oftentimes, plastic drinkware. One way to cut back on waste is to stop using the plastic and cardboard drinkware at your local coffee shop. 

    This will save your local coffee shop money while also helping reduce your carbon footprint. Bring your own reusable coffee/tea mug into the shop and ask if they can use it. 

    Some places might not be able to but many likely will. I have yet to have a coffee shop turn away my travel mug. Just make sure if you’re ordering a 12oz drink or 16oz drink that your mug is the same size to that which you are ordering, this will make it easier on the barista. 

  5. Eat Less Meat 

    While there is a TON of controversy around vegan vs. vegetarian vs. omnivore diets and which is best, eating less meat is viewed favorably. Meat for every meal is not good for the planet. That much meat is also super expensive and down the road your doctor will likely not be happy either. 

    Reducing your meat consumption is good for the planet, your wallet, and your overall health. There are also a ton of easy and good tasting meals that don’t use meat. 

  6. Reduce Your Carbon Footprint Traveling

    Carbon emissions from travel add to our overall carbon footprint. Finding ways to cut down on carbon emissions is extremely important not only for the health of our planet but also your wallet. 

    When possible and safe to do so walking and biking versus driving can make a difference. However, these options can take more time which doesn’t always mean that they are feasible. 

    Taking public transportation is also a better alternative to driving. Living in the United States though means that our public transportation isn’t always robust or even existent. Unless you live in a large city, you are unlikely to have public transportation that is easily accessible. 

    Sometimes driving is the only option we have. This still means we should be mindful of our environmental impact though. Grouping shopping trips together to reduce the amount of time and mileage is best. 

    Instead of driving to the grocery store every week, see if you’re able to go every other week. Small things like this not only reduce carbon emission but also lower your gas bill. 

  7. Start Composting

    Composting is when you take organic matter, like fruits and veggies, and instead of throwing them in the trash you put them where they can decompose. Some cities have composting organizations set up where every week they will come to your house and collect your compost, just like they do with trash and recycling. 

    Other places will not have this option. But if you have space outdoors, you can set up your own composting bin. Compost can be used on gardens for fertilizer or left alone. 

    The important aspect to composting is that by removing organic matter that decomposes from the landfills (where trash ends up) it won’t decompose in the landfill. When organic matter decomposes in the landfill it creates methane, which is a greenhouse gas that has been linked to global warming (1). 

  8. Reuse and Recycle

    This may seem like old news, that one should reuse and recycle things, but nevertheless it is extremely important. When you are able to reuse things that is best. 

    Glass jars can be great for storing food, putting handmade cleaning solution in, using for candle jars, the possibilities are endless. I also love to reuse take out plastic containers. Many restaurants will place to-go dinners in plastic containers that can be used to store food for many years to come. Simply wash out and you’re good to go. 

    When not able to reuse, recycling is best over throwing in the trash. Many places now have recycling in place. While there is a lot of controversy over if our recycled items actually end up getting recycled or not, it is still good practice to recycle when you can.

  9. Cut Back on New Clothing

    The process to make a new piece of clothing is extensive. New clothes use a ton of resources from toxic chemicals to hundreds of gallons of water, the process is not environmentally friendly. 

    There are some brands out there doing great work to start tackling the fashion industry’s detrimental practices but cutting back on purchasing new clothing is a sure way to reduce negative impacts on the planet. 

    When your current clothing begins to get holes, that means it is time to patch and fix whenever possible. Patching can extend the life of clothing and reduce out of pocket costs to buy new clothing. 

    When it is time to buy new clothes, buy new-to-you clothes. Meaning, second hand and thrift stores are a great way to not only save you money but also save the planet. 

  10.     Donate Used Items       

    When possible, always attempt to donate used items when they are in good working condition. This extends the life of products which mean less have to be made to take its place.

    Used items can include a lot of different things. From clothes, sports equipment, books, office supplies, furniture, dishes, art, electronics to pretty much anything else. 

    Not all thrift stores take every kind of donation. Be sure to check with your local shops to see what they are able to take.

    Places that may take donations: 

    • Good Will

    • Habitat for Humanity 

    • Animal Shelters 

    • Clothing thrift shops/ second hand shops 

    • Schools (be it items to use in classrooms or things teachers know their students need) 

    • Local Daycares 

    • Local Libraries 

    • Local Non-Profits 

    • Facebook MarketPlace (List Items for Free)

    • Churches 

    Donating used items not only gives them a second life making it an environmental goal, but it also helps reduce the cost for someone else who would have had to buy that item brand new if you hadn’t donated it.

All of these ten ways can help you become more eco-friendly and make an impact. Some may be easier than others to implement into your lifestyle. And that’s ok. 

It is better to try and do some, than to do nothing at all. Oftentimes the idea of “perfect environmentalism” is touted, but it is not sustainable or useful. 

Instead try to be more mindfully environmental. Notice the impacts your daily life has on the planet and then start to slowly make positive changes. 

You may have already been practicing these ten ways to be more eco-friendly, if so great! If not, I hope this helps as a starting place! 

Our Sources:

  1. https://calrecycle.ca.gov/climate/organics/ 


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