5 Frequently Asked Questions About Our Sustainable Goat’s Milk Soap and Bath Products

Against a neutral toned color are three letters "FAQ"

Since launching at the end of July in 2022 we have been asked a range of questions about the various products that we offer. 

Below you will find a list of our most common questions along with our responses. Should you have more questions please be sure to contact us as we’d love to help answer any additional questions you may have!

Frequently Asked Questions 

  • Why Is My Soap Sweating? 

  • Why Do You Use Goat’s Milk In So Many Of Your Products? 

  • Do You Have Any Vegan Products? 

  • Will the Goat’s Milk Spoil and Go Bad? 

  • What Is The Shelf Life For Your Bath Products?

Question: Why Is My Soap Sweating?

Answer: It actually isn’t “sweating” at all! Rather, the natural humectants in our soaps are doing what they’re supposed to do. They’re attracting moisture. 

When not in use, this can lead to “sweating” as the humectants in the soap pull water out from the air and to the soap, creating small droplets on your soap’s surface. These droplets can look like sweat. Because we don't use harsh chemicals in our soaps these droplets can and will naturally occur. Placing your soap in an airtight container will reduce soap "sweat".

This process of pulling water from the air is not harmful. The water beads on top of your soap can be wiped away or washed away if you don’t like the look. As the air becomes drier, such as in the winter, this should happen less. 

Question: Why Do You Use Goat’s Milk In So Many Of Your Products? 

Answer: There are a lot of reasons, but here are a few reasons why we love incorporating goat’s milk in our bath products: 

  • Creates a natural lather, 

  • Moisturizes skin,   

  • Is a gentle cleanser and is great for sensitive skin, 

  • Can improve dry skin, and 

  • May help improve acne 

We have actually written a full length blog post just on the topic of goat’s milk benefits in soaps and other bath products, if you’re interested in learning even more. 

Question: Do You Have Any Vegan Products? 

Answer: Yes! While we love the natural benefits goat’s milk provides, we also understand that a large portion of our sustainable community is vegan. In turn we have crafted a few vegan bath products and are constantly continuing to develop more. 

If you would like to see what vegan products we have be sure to visit our Etsy Shop

Currently one of my favorite vegan products we have year round is our Rose Petal Bath Salts and come winter time be on the lookout for our Peppermint Bath Salts, absolutely heavenly! 

Question: Will the Goat’s Milk Spoil and Go Bad? 

Answer: This is a really interesting question! We do not use liquid Goat’s Milk in our products, instead we use powdered Goat’s Milk. Powdering Goat’s Milk (or any milk) is a process that evaporates the milk until it is completely dry. 

This results in the Goat’s Milk having a very long shelf life. Meaning, the milk in our soaps and bath products will not go bad or spoil for years to come. 

Question: What Is The Shelf Life For Your Bath Products?

Answer: So, because we do not use liquid Goat’s Milk in our products, instead we use powdered Goat’s Milk, we do not have to worry about the Goat’s Milk in our products going bad or spoiling. 

Powdering Goat’s Milk (or any milk) is a process that evaporates the milk until it is completely dry, which results in the Goat’s Milk having a very long shelf life. Meaning, the milk in our bath products will not go bad or spoil for years to come. 

However, because we do not use any fragrance in our products and instead use pure essential oils, the essential oils over time will begin to lose their scent and fade. There is no harm in using a product with fading essential oil scent, it will simply not smell as strong. 

For this reason we tend to recommend using your soap and bath product within three months after you receive it for the ultimate smell. This isn’t a hard and fast rule, but simply there to remind you that over time our products will slowly decrease in scent. 

Having recapped our top five most frequently asked questions about our soaps and bath products, be sure to let us know if you have more! We love being able to help clarify any questions you may have! 


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