5 Surprising Benefits of Goat’s Milk Soap and Bath Products

Two goats munch on greens

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Also Note: We are not healthcare providers. This article is not intended to be used as an alternative to advice given by a healthcare professional. This article is for informational purposes only. Please contact your healthcare provider with medical questions or concerns. 

There are tons of various soaps and bath products available these days. Which makes it that much more difficult to know which soaps and products are best for you and your skin. 

Many commercially made bath products and soaps technically are not even classified as soaps. According to the Food and Drug Administration, few soaps out there today are true soaps, the majority actually are synthetic detergent products (1,2). 

However, just because a product may or may not meet the technical requirements of “soap” does not necessarily mean that it is not a good cleaning agent. It is more useful to understand what ingredients are harmful in soaps, synthetic detergents, and bath products.

To learn more about potentially harmful ingredients often found in many soaps and bath products be sure to check out our blog post on just that. 

Coupled with this and the rise in people looking for natural products it is easy to see why Goat’s Milk Soap has gained popularity. 

Below we will dive into what Goat Milk Soap is, the surprising benefits and uses, and where to find goat’s milk soap and bath products.

What is Goat Milk Soap? 

Goat’s Milk Soap is soap that is made from goat’s milk. Using the milk from animals, such as goats, is nothing new. In fact it stems back thousands of years when archeologists believe the origin of soap began (3). 

Soap making in its simplest form is taking acids, such as fats and oils, and mixing it with lye (1,3). Lye is often made by mixing water and sodium hydroxide together (4). 

When it comes to Goat’s Milk Soap you replace the water in the lye with goat’s milk. This causes the soap to in turn be more creamy than the soap with just water. Water has no natural fats, whereas goat’s milk very much does. 

Goat’s milk has both saturated and unsaturated fats. Saturated fats increase lather, the bubbles you get while rubbing soap on your hands. Unsaturated fats on the other hand are known for their moisturizing properties (5). This leaves your hands soft. 

Goat’s milk soap can also have other oils in them, such as coconut oil and olive oil. The inclusion of these oils adds more healthy fats to the soap (5). So don’t be surprised if you see more than just goat’s milk in the soap you buy. 


Goat’s Milk soap is a natural soap full of saturated and unsaturated fats which creates a creamy soap that will lather well and actively moisturize your skin. 

The Benefits of Goat’s Milk Soap 

  1. Creamy Natural Lather

    Due to goat’s milk containing saturated fats, goat’s milk soap has the ability to naturally lather well. The creamy texture of the lather can be attributed to the fact that goat’s milk is milk. Milk brings a creamy white color to the soap. 

    When working with lye, instead of including water with the lye, goat’s milk boosts the creaminess of the final soap output. 

  2. Moisturizes Skin

    Depending on the soap you use, the amount of moisturizing happening can vary. Soaps filled with harsh chemicals, often the soaps bought commercially, tend to strip skin of the natural oils that are on everyone's body. 

    But the inclusion of goat’s milk, along with other unsaturated fats such as olive oil (6), are able to replenish the skin and offer moisturizing properties. 

  3. Gentle Cleaner that is Great for Sensitive Skin

    When natural goat’s milk soap is used, it likely will not include harsh chemicals that negatively impact your skin. 

    In turn when applied to your skin the high amount of both saturated and unsaturated fats in the goat’s milk help gently remove dirt and grime vs. pulling everything off of your skin. 

  4. Can Help Improve Dry Skin

    Dry skin can be due to a number of various reasons, cold weather, aging, harsh soaps (to name a few reasons). Dry skin occurs when the outer layer of skin loses water (7). In order to curb dry skin the balance of water must be restored to the outer layer of skin. 

    Because goat’s milk is high in fats it may be able to restore missing fats on the skin which allows the skin to develop better water retention, leading to a moisturizing effect. Moisturizing dry skin is known to help relieve dry skin symptoms (7). 

    By using a gentle cleansing soap that is high in fats, like goat’s milk soap, it has the ability to help improve dry skin. 

  5. May Improve Acne

    One naturally occurring ingredient to help reduce acne is lactic acid. Lactic acid is found naturally in all dairy products, including goat’s milk. 

    While there are many harsh acne treatments out there for various skin types, lactic acid is recommended for sensitive skin types (as well as all other skin types) due to its gentle nature (8). 

    With goat’s milk soap naturally having lactic acid in it, goat’s milk soap itself can potentially improve acne. However, like with any acne treatment try on a small portion of your skin first to see how your body reacts. 


Goat’s milk soap has a lot of benefits. Goat’s milk soap is a gentle cleanser that is great for sensitive skin, it moisturizes skin, can improve dry skin, may improve acne, and has a natural creamy lather. 

Where To Find Goat’s Milk Soap and Bath Products 

Goat’s milk soap and other bath products that include goat’s milk, for all the reasons listed above and more, can be found across the world. When selecting a soap or bath product be sure to read the ingredients to ensure there are no harmful ingredients in the products. 

Copper Rabbit Crafts offers a selection of natural goat’s milk products from soap bars to bath milks on our Etsy Shop

Other retailers will have goat’s milk products as well but again be sure to check the ingredients to see what you are about to put on your body. While natural is best some companies have taken to greenwashing, pretending they are more natural and organic than they actually are. 


Goat’s milk soaps and bath products can be found all over, but make sure to review the ingredients before making a purchase so as to not buy products with harmful ingredients. 

The Bottom Line 

Goat’s Milk soap is a natural soap full of saturated and unsaturated fats that create a creamy soap that will lather well and actively moisturize your skin. Goat’s milk soap has a lot of benefits from being a gentle cleanser that is great for sensitive skin to helping  improve dry skin and acne. 

Goat’s milk soaps and bath products can be found all over, but make sure to review the ingredients before making a purchase so as to not buy products with harmful ingredients. At Copper Rabbit Crafts we make every effort to keep harmful ingredients and toxins out of our products to help keep you and the planet healthy. 

Our Sources: 

  1. https://www.fda.gov/cosmetics/cosmetic-products/frequently-asked-questions-soap 

  2. https://www.cpsc.gov/Soap 

  3. https://time.com/5831828/soap-origins/ 

  4. https://www.britannica.com/science/lye 

  5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6225244/ 

  6. https://www.health.harvard.edu/nutrition/is-extra-virgin-olive-oil-extra-healthy 

  7. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dry-skin/symptoms-causes/syc-20353885 

  8. https://www.womenshealthmag.com/beauty/g39763621/lactic-acid-for-skin/ 


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