Best Glass Cleaner: Homemade Glass Cleaner Recipe

Best Glass Cleaner Homemade Recipe from Copper Rabbit Crafts

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When it comes to a homemade glass cleaner you want something that is simple, nontoxic, and works on getting any type of grim off your glass surfaces, such as on windows and mirrors. While you can go out and buy window and glass cleaners from the store, these tend to be filled with unknown chemicals, as companies do not need to report what they put in cleaning fluid. And even if you find a cleaner that does tell you their ingredients, these cleaners can often be expensive.

For a simple nontoxic glass cleaner, making your own can save you from exposure to toxins as well as save you money. We’ve compiled the best glass cleaner for you using ingredients you likely already have around your house. 

Best Glass Cleaner Recipe: Step By Step Guide

First gather your supplies. You will need: 

Ingredients for Copper Rabbit Crafts Glass Cleaner Recipe

* If you don’t have lemon and/or lime essential oil simply replace it with essential oils you do have and enjoy. Just Lemon or Lime can work, sweet orange also goes well with lemon or lime essential oils. If you do not like citrus you could also do Lavender essential oil. The possibilities really are endless here, just use what you have and like.  

1.Add 2 Cups of distilled water to your mixing bowl. 

Distilled Water for Glass Cleaner Recipe from Copper Rabbit Crafts

2. Add 1/2 Cup of distilled white vinegar to the mixing bowl. 

Distilled White Vinegar for Glass Cleaner Recipe from Copper Rabbit Crafts

3. Add 10 drops of Lemon essential oil and 10 drops of Lime essential oil to the mixing bowl. 

Lemon and Lime Essential Oils for Glass Cleaner Recipe from Copper Rabbit Crafts

4. Stir everything together well until you see bubbles form. 

5. Using your funnel pour the liquid from your mixing bowl into your clean spray bottle. 

6. Screw on the spray bottle lid and you are good to go spray down your glass surfaces. 

Final Glass Cleaner Product Made from Copper Rabbit CraftsRecipe

This easy handmade glass cleaner works well and smells so clean and lovely! Making this cleaner not only is extremely easy but can save you money, it’s a win win.

Where Should You Get the Ingredients and Tools?

Always try to use what you have around your home. Maybe you just finished a bottle of glass cleaner that you bought. Simply wash out the container with hot soapy water and dry. This container will work well for this recipe and be reusing something that was destined for the landfill/recycling center. 

If you don’t have the tools you need for this recipe at your home, local thrift stores and buy nothing groups on Facebook can be a good place to begin the search. If you still can’t find what you’re looking for, the tools have been linked in this recipe for purchasing ideas. From a sustainability perspective, try and go with purchases that will last a while to come instead of purchasing materials that may easily break and need to be thrown out. 

If you don’t have the ingredients in your kitchen you will likely be able to find them at your local grocery store. Again, if for any reason you can’t find them I have linked the ingredients as well online for your convenience. 

For the essential oils, if you do not have any on hand we recommend you look for 100% pure essential oils. Oftentimes while searching for essential oils you will come across fragrance oils which can have lots of potentially problematic ingredients in them whereas 100% pure essential oils are what they say they are. For a great USA based small female owned business that sells 100% pure essential oils check out AroMed Essentials

What If You Don’t Like the Smell of Lemon or Lime? 

Don’t worry! There are so many essential oils out there that you can use on their own or blended with other oils. We love a citrusy glass cleaner, but a lavender cleaner could also be a good idea on its own or coupled with rose or sage essential oil. 

Pick an essential oil combination that you really enjoy and use that. There are no hard and fast rules here. Simply pick a scent you will enjoy because you are the one who will have to clean with it. 

How Do You Use This Cleaner?

When you go to clean your glass items in your home, think windows, mirrors, glass table tops, etc., simply take a cleaning rag or paper towel, spray the glass cleaner on the towel or rag and wipe down your glass surface. 

While you can spray the cleaner directly on the glass, spraying it on the towel will help reduce streaking. We also recommend using a cleaning rag/towel that does not have lint on it. If there is lint on the towel it can come off and leave residue on your glass surface. 


Best Glass Cleaner Recipe Copper Rabbit Crafts Blog Post

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