The Benefits to Using Citronella Soap: How Citronella Soap May Be Your New Summer Best Friend

The Benefits to Using Citronella Soap: How Citronella Soap May Be Your New Summer Best Friend_Copper Rabbit Crafts Blog Post

Please Note: We are not healthcare providers. This article is not intended to be used as an alternative to advice given by a healthcare professional. This article is for informational purposes only. Please contact your healthcare provider with medical questions or concerns. 

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You likely have heard of citronella due to its known ability to repel insects like mosquitoes. You might have seen or even bought citronella candles and sprays in the hopes of reducing mosquito bites. Citronella soap though is a lesser known but also great option if you would like insects to leave you alone. 

What makes citronella soap so great you might ask? Here are five benefits of using citronella soap.  

1. Natural Insect Repellent

Citronella soap is a natural insect repellent (1). The oil extracted from citronella has been shown to repel mosquitoes, flies, and other insects. By using citronella soap, you can easily add an extra layer of protection. 

We recommend our Citronella Lemongrass Goat’s Milk Soap if you are looking for a natural insect repellent because lemongrass is another plant that insects, like mosquitoes, dislike and in turn tend to avoid. By combining citronella and lemongrass, this goat’s milk soap bar will be working double time to keep those pesky bugs off you (2).

2. Soothes Skin Irritations

Citronella has natural anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe skin irritations such as insect bites and stings (1). By using citronella soap you can help reduce the itching and redness associated with these types of skin irritations. 

3. Natural Deodorizer

Citronella has a pleasant lemony scent that can help naturally deodorize your skin (2). By using citronella soap, you can avoid using harsh chemical deodorants that can be irritating to the skin. While we still would recommend using deodorant, switching to a natural deodorant can be made easier when you’re also washing your body with a natural deodorizing soap bar. 

4. Antifungal Properties

Citronella also has antifungal properties that can help prevent and treat fungal infections such as athlete's foot (3). Using citronella soap can help keep your feet, as well as the rest of your body, clean and healthy. Of course if you currently have a fungal infection please seek immediate treatment and advice from your healthcare provider. 

5. Stress Reliever

Trying to think of the smell citronella gives off. If you are repulsed by the idea, it’s because you have come to associate the chemical filled insect repellents with the word citronella. Rest assured citronella does not smell like nauseating bug sprays. 

The scent of citronella is actually more lemony and is known to have a relaxing effect on the body (4). Using citronella soap in the shower or bath can help create a soothing and calming atmosphere, helping to relieve stress and promote relaxation. Especially if coupled with Lemongrass which adds to the lemony aroma. 

If you haven’t tried out citronella soap before then this is your call to do so. Citronella soap is a natural and effective way to repel insects while also providing a range of other benefits.

From soothing skin irritations to acting as a natural deodorizer, citronella soap is a versatile product that is great for everyday use. So, next time you're looking for an insect repellent or a natural way to soothe your skin, consider trying citronella soap.

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